⚡ Hi! I'm Somē.

I’m a classically-trained pianist turned fullstack developer.

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Recent Projects

p5.cljs web editor

A web editor for writing p5 sketches in ClojureScript right in the browser using the hosted ClojureScript compiler.

The B.R.A.H.M.S. Explorer

A searchable catalog of contemporary music built for musicians, students, teachers and organizers. This is a personal project built with a serverless architecture using React and Flask.

HiKS - Generative Design Tool

HiKS is a generative design tool developed and designed for the Swedish platform HiKS - Hitta Kliniska Studier. It was designed in collaboration with Swedish design firm BBDO Nordics.

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Simple setup deploying ClojureScript applications using Github Actions and Glitch

Getting Jest to play well with Vite, React and Markdown

A mini comparison of some string compression algorithms

Creative Coding tutorial in ClojureScript

Beginning a journey of creative coding with color

I coded circles everyday for a month and this is what I came up with.

Counting inside shaders