Projects using ClojureScript


Deploying a Reagent application

So you have a Reagent application you want to deploy somewhere. Probably, you have experience deploying frontend applications on platforms like Vercel, Netlify or Render. You try this with your ClojureScript application and quickly find out that none of these platforms support building ClojureScript applications, because the build environment lacks Java. This article walks you through creating a simple continuous deployment setup using Github Actions and Glitch. Setting up a Glitch project Create or login to your Glitch account, then create a new ‘glitch-hello-website’ project.


🎨 p5.cljs web editor

A web editor for writing p5 sketches in ClojureScript right in the browser using the hosted ClojureScript compiler.


Learning ClojureScript with P5.js

It’s December and you know what this means. T’is the season to learn new languages! Lately, I have been learning ClojureScript and have been having a blast creative coding with it. I think you should give it a try. Who this tutorial is for In order to follow this tutorial, you should be familiar with coding in P5 already. If you are, great! It will be a breeze to follow along.